Mount Pleasant is one of the few Vancouver Neighborhoods that spans the city’s East/West divide. An active neighborhood that includes Main St, Broadway, and Kingsway. It is close to the downtown core, but not actually downtown. It has a charming and comfortable vibe and is full of good eats, trendy shops and rich cultural history. It is largely residential, and includes some of Vancouver’s iconic landmarks like Science World and The Heritage Hall on Main St. It has been emerging in recent years as a very engaged and active art district while also hosting many speciality sports shops. Wildly diverse and inclusive, it’s community offers a wide variety of shops, restaurants, community centres, industrial areas, and carefully planned community growth projects.
In 2010, the Mount Pleasant Community Plan was adopted by City Council after an extensive public planning process. The plan contains community wide and sub area policies that primarily address issues and guide development for the neighborhood for the next 30 years.
This plan covers a wide range: land use, urban design, housing, economic development, parks and the public realm, transportation, community services, heritage and culture.
In 2013 the council adopted the Mount Pleasant Community Plan Implementation Package which will build on the Plan to clarify and advance policy direction. This package includes the following:
- Broadway East Revitalization Strategy.
- Urban Design Framework for Lower Main.
- Public Realm Plan ( Public Spaces).
- Public Benefits Strategy.